
The Grip Pod® System is a vertical foregrip integrated with a strong and stable bipod. The Grip Pod®’s legs deploy instantly with the push of a button! It’s the ultimate improvement to an weapon system currently employing a vertical grip. Using the Grip Pod® System, the operator can go from a CQB position to prone – and have a stable base for aimed firing in place before hitting the ground. Say goodbye to cumbersome bipods that have to be manually clipped on or folded into position. And because its manufactured from aerospace materials, it’s designed to exceed military specifications for construction and finish, and built tough to withstand hard use.
Who Uses Grip Pod®?

The Grip Pod® is still the only weapon stabilization system to achieve total adoption by the U.S. Army, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. National Guard, U.S. Air Force, British Army, Australian Military, Special Operations Groups, FBI, DEA, U.S. Customs/Border Patrol, plus many federal and state law enforcement agencies. U.S. forces have procured over 900,000 Grip Pods.
In 2005, the U.S. Army at Picatinny Arsenal tested all known bipods in an open competition for use on the M16A2, M16M4, and M16A4, in CQB, medium, and long range applications. Very harsh testing was conducted for over 9 months. One of the many tests consisted of a M16M4 rifle equipped with 30-round full magazine, issued acog optic, peq4 IR laser, and bipod with fully opened legs was dropped from a height of 4 feet onto concrete. Unlike the Grip Pod®, most of the bipods broke. The Grip Pod® passed the drop test and only weighed 7 oz. It was the lightest of all the bipods in testing, with some weighing up to five times more. Also, the Army had used vertical foregrips on m16s for years finding that they absolutely aided the soldiers in CQB target acquisition. The Army decided that the conventional bipod was a problem when used with the vertical foregrip as one got in the way of the other, and also increased weight. Thus the Patented Grip Pod® prevailed against all other bipods and provided the U.S. Army with a dual-purpose, much stronger vertical foregrip and bipod all in one small light package which deployed with the push of a button.

Grip Pod® Benefits

The Grip Pod® is the one of the lightest, strongest military-issue bipods in the world. Virtually all U.S., British and Australian Armed Forces have tested it and decided that this product gives their fighting soldiers a distinct advantage. Because when milliseconds mean the difference between life and death, only the Grip Pod® Weapon Stabilization System puts the operator in a safe prone position to return accurate fire faster.
We’re confident that the Grip Pod is the best FORWARD GRIP BIPOD you can own!

The dual purpose, vertical foregrip and bipod all in one small light package allows the operator to maintain total control of the weapon at all times.

Grip Pods have been tested by the best fighting forces in the world. It is the only weapon stabilization system to achieve total adoption by the U.S. Army, U.S.M.C., National Guard, U.S. Air Force, FBI, DEA, Customs Border Patrol, British Armed Forces, Australian Military & numerous Federal Agencies and Special Forces groups worldwide.

We manufacture it from aerospace materials to exceed military specifications for construction and finish, and build it tough to withstand hard use.

Grip Pod is the original patented integrated automatic bipod system.

INCREASES aiming precision, firing accuracy, general control, and stability/durability.

DECREASES time going from CQB to prone and weight compared to other bipods.
The Grip Pod is the strongest automatic bipod system available on the market, hands down. Let us prove it.
With several options in overall strength and weight, you choose what works best for your individual needs.
Your Grip Pod can be equipped with accessories like our single and double light rails.
The Grip Pod is the only automatic forward grip bipod system to be fully adopted by the US military & numerous other defense programs worldwide.
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